CHILD ALLOWANCE payment Up to 4 children
-5YEAR subsidy against the pension plan contribution of newly employed Emiratis earning less than AED20,000 per month in the private & banking sectors
Up to ONE –YEAR On Job Training support with an aim of recruitmen
Vocational training up to 12 months in private and semi-governmental companies for fresh graduates supported by AED 5,000 financial rewards per month To enable them acquire relevant experience in Across several business sectors
AED 1.25 BILLION investment in developing & empowering UAE Nationals with Professional training programs & International certificates
An Unemployment benefit (temporary) for those who lose their jobs due to circumstances beyond their control
Unified job posting platform aiming to connect Emiratis with job opportunities in the private & banking sectors and allowing employers to find relevant profiles
Providing career guidance and counseling services For job seekers and workers with the aim of empowering them and enhancing their stability in the labor market
Emiratization target %2+ annual increase in knowledge and skilled worker positions *
An educational & developmental grant program targeting to development of 10,000 Emiratis Healthcare workers within the coming 5 years rolling out